Project Reimagine

Boy standing in blue lights drinking

Project Reimagine is an advocacy project created by Street Industries in response to the negative impacts of Lockdown & COVID-19 on young people experiencing disengagement and social isolation. The focus of Project Reimagine is to capture the experiences of young people who are not consulted with to understand their journeys better and lived experiences to improve opportunities and supports in their local communities.

The data collected across the project will illustrate how and where services are being used, identifying strengths and gaps in available services and the effect on these young people's journey. Information from the project will advocate for young people to develop strategies and initiatives that better support their needs and aspirations.

The key priority areas of the project are:

  • Provide a platform for young people to have a voice in decision-making that affects their lives

  • Improve access to services and supports for young people within their local community

  • Raise awareness of the challenges young people face by presenting the project findings to local community departments and community service organisations

  • Encourage collaboration and connection between local community groups and local community services